Chronic Disease Management - CDM

If you have a chronic disease, early identification is important

In today’s world our health continuously takes a back seat to our busy lives. We either ignore or dismiss early signs of disease until it is too late and then get burdened with the unfortunate side effects of our indecisions. Either through lack of knowledge or belief that it will never happen to me, we continue to ignore what is in front of us.

Over the past three years we have seen the incidents of Chronic Diseases rise. 

The latest statistics indicate that in 2020/21 47% of Australians suffer from 1 or more of the 10 chronic diseases (See: Australian Institute of Health & Welfare). Examples of diseases:

chronic disease can be managed book an appointment today

10 Most Common Diseases in Australia

Coupled with increasing mental health issues, such statistics paint a troubled picture for our Australia’s health into the future. But it’s not too late to start looking after you now.

Chronic Disease Management

Where do we start?

Corona Virus - need we say moreChronic Disease management looks to address the increasing rate of disease by looking at ways to prevent rather than treat them, while promoting good health practices to manage the disease diagnosed. 

Starting the journey to a healthy you can be a constant battle for some, continually being challenged by society’s stereotypes or our external environment – or simply, fighting cravings for the wrong type of food.

Staying healthy and disease free is possible, with the right help.

GP Health Check

The process of chronic disease management starts with GP’s conducting health checks, looking at the patients circumstances to find out what health conditions need to be addressed and how to best approach either the treatment of the conditions while trying to stop the onset of a disease.

A subsequent appointment is booked with the GP, using one of the health assessment criteria listed below:

The following Health Checks are covered by Medicare

Covered by the Department of Verteran Affairs (DVA)

What is a Health Assessment?

Health assessments provide a structured approach when trying to determine what care is needed for the patient. This information is crucial when determining the way forward as patients these days have more than one doctor and information can sometimes be scattered. 

If you do have multiple clinics it’s important for the GP conducting the assessment to have all the facts available at the time of the appointment, so all options can be considered.

The health assessment being conducted, primarily has six parts to it:

  1. Collection of patient information including patient history, ordering of tests and an examination;
  2. Making a comprehensive assessment of the patient;
  3. The GP makes recommendations for interventions;
  4. The patient is provided further advice;
  5. Recording the health assessment including findings;
  6. Forwarding the plan to other health carers who will play a part in the patients care.

Where to Next?

The GPs at Vitalia Healthcare can help

Health assessment is the first stage in trying to stem chronic disease. Depending on the GP’s determination, a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangement between doctor and patient is created. The Team Care Arrangement functions as a conduit for patients to access allied health services relevant to the patient’s condition and entitles the patient to five free visits with the allied health provider in a 12 month period. 

A GP Management plan offers a structured plan including attainable goals for the patient, services needed and actions to manage their condition. 

A management plan or team care arrangement are covered under Medicare making it attainable for everyone.

Looking after your health starts with small steps and you recognising that you don’t need to do it on your own. 

Here at Vitalia Healthcare we can help. Make an appointment today and get started on the right path!

Further Reading
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